Clubs & Activities
Alisal clubs and activities are a wonderful way for students to learn something new, have fun, and meet new friends. Below is information about Alisal's clubs and activities.
Student Leadership
4th and 5th graders are invited to participate in Alisal student leadership. In order to participate, students are asked to fill out an application form. Once completed, students are invited to participate. The leadership team works on school and service projects during the school year. Students offer their ideas for projects at the beginning of the year. If interested in joining student leadership, please contact Mrs. Fuller.
Book Club
Alisal students are encourage to join the Book Club. Students meet with their group once per month to discuss a book at their reading level. Parent volunteers help students discuss the book and create fun activities for the students. Parents can register their student for the Book Club during registration in August.
Destination Imagination Club
DI is a fun, hands-on, immersive way for kids to explore subjects ranging from STEM to fine arts and community service, run by parent volunteers on a global scale. DI embodies Common Core principles, while able to go beyond what's possible in a classroom. Teams tackle challenges and develop solutions together. Along the way, kids learn creative problem solving, team work, experimentation, and time and budget management, all while turning your recycling into amazing, never-before-imagined works of art/architecture. The process shifts kids’ focus from ‘me’ to ‘we’. It helps kids ask and answer questions like: How do I help my team succeed? Hear all voices? Accept when my idea won’t work? Build on my friends’ ideas? Learn to give up control and trust my team mates? DI teaches diplomacy, negotiation, prioritization, patience, and how to work together to thrive in a context in which there’s no pre-determined right answer or recipe for success. To learn more about DI, visit If you would like to join or help form a team, please contact Cristina Moidel by emailing or calling (925) 399-8052.